Monday, November 19, 2012

History in the City: topic modeling redone

Since Saturday night no longer consists of Thai food and
trolling used books stores for treasures (ahh grad school) I found myself
tucked in early, and inspired by tweet from Mary Rizzo, I decided to fool around
more with search parameters in @jstor DFR

My current project, The Politics of Women?s Culture, seeks to trace the contentious term across several decades (ngram and bookworm results here). ?I set out to write an intellectual history of the term, and somehow landed in digital history.

As ?I'm cleaning up files, I realize that at some point yesterday I stopped clearing out between runs.?

For the other newbies like me, you?have to?delete topics input file?and empty?text files??and?wordcount?folders??and rename jstor.model.txt?(Jon also noted that you can created sep directories each time, but that will leave 1000s of files on your computer)

Undeterred I re-run everything I did before.
OOB 1970-2008 random 1000
italics, still not sure, CAPs clear theme?

rights national abortion state gay committee bill states government tion con york discrimination coalition support welfare house human pay maybe women?s movement issues? women feminist conference movement black issues political feminists group class feminism radical groups white discussion studies list con university WOMEN?S MOVEMENT ?ORGANIZING women health medical woman found study birth drug information control cancer aids care breast pregnancy doctors research months clinic HEALTH woman girls love body play female film young night back show story time girl side genital finally head music ?maybe women?s lib cultue (film, play music?) court case state law police action decision judge defense prison legal told cases woman order death news supreme info ?LAW/LEGAL women men sexual sex male violence rape woman pornography man rights human abuse victims prostitution lives sexuality harassment speech VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN lesbian lesbians gay call oob write community issue feminist book box send writing dc letter press books dear po I suspect Lesbian feminist community in D.C. people time feel life make years things good lot work talk find long felt thought live wanted put place maybe emotional dimensions of women?s movement involvement? women work workers union international support war day peace working people march center year group money members government groups PROTEST/ACTIVISM children child family ing social work power give mothers change personal world part society important problems role physical means ?FAMILY/MOTHERHOOD
So just like last time I can see six clear themes. ?I then turned to?OOB 1970-1981 to see if my idea about discourse shifting within a specific period holds. ? (obv need to run 1981-2008 too)

bold new that seem sure,?

police back woman years day told home night film made husband days found female head prison young inside front work center union care workers university support pay education job day school working leave jobs program labor money health WORK women men sexual sex male woman rape violence girls pornography man female victims action prostitution sexuality gender harassment human VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN court abortion state health law bill child cases judge rights birth drug supreme federal medical legal percent info abortion women feminist group movement conference political feminists black issues working feminism class work jewish white radical world groups con different kinds of feminism, coalition politics, internal movement dynamics call oob issue write feminist book box writing dc books dear po read paper letters reading press collective st probably OOB itself woman found life mothers control tion ing problems cancer study mother lack high page breast longer physical choose attention guessing breast cancer and the pill people time feel children work years things good lot make life talk love find thing thought long live wanted affect women rights government groups national international people united war human march peace world coalition tion american country support year ?PROTEST/ACTIVISM lesbian gay lesbians national send community information list issues aids contact message san gays feminist support straight june page lgbt Hmmm very interesting. ?Some themes emerge here that are clearly time specific such as the theme that looks like it is related to breast cancer and the pill.? However, ?abortion is harder to explain, although could be from the period running up to 1973 legalization of abortion. ?I need narrower date bands to tell that though. ?The work cluster may also be indicative of the earlier 70s when?a certain subset of white middle class women moving back into the workforce was more prominent concern, or it could reflect pay equity as larger concern during this time period. I can also see that the theme around sexual identity probably reflect a period when lesbian feminism was either more prominent or more prominently debated. That along with the fact that only VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN carried over are the two most interesting result for my project. ? One of the themes of book is the role that VAW and the "sex wars" ?played in dividing not only the women's movement but also feminism inside the academy.

In order to start doing that I next turn to ?Feminist Studies, a more academically oriented periodical, using 1972-2008 1000 random, for comparison. ?

women family men american history female life woman marriage social century domestic children early young political public nineteenth society HISTORY OF THE FAMILY university paper women ed eds american feminist mary gender susan essays york published elizabeth life introduction politics state women work labor workers family state working men national economic public social political support children percent government movement rights WORK/ECONOMICS black white lesbian sexual african american work art race women native racial people culture lesbians gay color south cultural CULTURE & IDENTITY women medical abortion health pregnancy child children birth care woman disability reproductive pregnant prison mothers body loss physicians treatment? MOTHERHOOD/REPRODUCTION feminist women gender political feminism social feminists politics history cultural studies work power world movement university historical identity class maybe strands of feminist ideology studies feminist university history book research work published journal social issues women college year volume program years judith art probably feminist studies sexual female male sex men social human woman nature sexuality patriarchal control relations mother world relationship fact part power SEXUALITY time back mother life people told make years home day good felt long man feel thought things eyes made

de female woman la french body film literary male love text reading writing mary beauty music book war le culture with strong strand of ecriture feminine?

Hmm some interesting stuff here. ?What was "FAMILY/MOTHERHOOD" in OOB has split into two categories in FS HISTORY OF THE FAMILY and MOTHERHOOD/REPRODUCTION. ?What looked like lgbt?in the 1970-81 OOB is somewhat like SEXUALITY ?As "academic feminism" is sometimes accused of ?fragmenting and flattening out the politics of the women's liberation movement these results are suggestive. For the purposes of my book, the CULTURE/IDENTITY strand of FS which doesn't appear in OOB except as it seems to relate to dynamics of the movement is very instructive. ?I basically argue that from 1979-1981 a series of conferences (Anti-Porn, Second Sex and "Sex Wars") along with introduction of two new strong strands of feminism into academic journals (writing by WOC and French feminism) led to the dismal of women activists using culture as "cultural feminists). ?Still I'm leery of drawing conclusions because methodology needs to be far more complicated than "hey look this string of terms supports my argument."

Back to my original goal to see what happens if I try to trace a more complex topic, the bigram "women's culture" ??I keep attempting to refine the search query in Jstor DFR and getting this

Server error, there was an error while handling your request. Administrators have been notified, please try reloading the page.

I finally manage to get women's culture in key terms (although note not "women's culture" but "women" and "culture" set for women's studies as a discipline ?from 1965-1990, (returns as 1970-1990). ? I can see that the topic articles are Du Bois et al in Feminist Studies followed by Ortner Is Female To Male as Nature is to Culture.? As these are key pieces in my book,?I know I'm pulling the stuff I'm interested in modeling.?
time people lucy bronte life make back man woman jane shirley feel find good things experience work love end something with lit? nature families women income human sea carson economic home natural percent world american work life family participation science household maybe environmental feminism? woman women feminist text female german black white und jewish male image film narrative body university social ed honor sexual women sex psychology gender feminist relations men social male female development differences mother life theory child object analysis feminist and psychoanalysis women feminist female theory language male mother woman feminism power social feminists literary world lesbian men work experience subject feminism and culture (aka cultural feminism) university women american feminist history book paper edited social press work gender mary state studies theory pp culture study women woman life sexual michel love political louise female art years de history personal social men pp early public women feminist studies university american lesbian issues published books book issue art research send review work articles box literature de la les des le en du dans femmes par qui pour es une est se ou au sur women family work men social political black movement group labor class state children economic male support status groups people identity feminism? Socialist feminism? Seems like topic across even a fairly small discipline set of ?journals doesn't reveal very clear results although the strands of feminist theory suggested above are interesting to consider.?

Just had fascinating discussion with scientist husband about should he help me with this. ?At one point Andrew Goldstone, quite kindly and with no malice said, so I sense you aren't familiar with working at command line. ?Ummm no, even when I ran small software start up with prior husband I was the yacker he was the hacker, but this time around I'm determined to learn at least some of the hack. ?As Ben Schmidt argues, it is not wise for humanities peeps to think we can simply use data generated by others without understanding how the data are created. ?I'd still love to find a CS collaborator to do more advanced stuff, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to attempt to do it on my own, or do it without understanding how the programming works.?


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